20 Morning Exercises That You Can Do At Home
20 Best Morning Exercises That You Can Do At Home
- Single Leg Glute Bridge
- Single Leg Glute Bridge
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How to do:-
- Lie faceup with bent knee
- Extend the right leg out and press the left heel to lift up the hips off the yoga mat
- Lower down slowly and repeat for 1 minute.
2. Power Push Up
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How To Do:-
- Keep an upside V posture by knees bend and butts out
- Bend your knees and shift the weight forward, bending your elbows in a full push-up position
- Press your hips back up and maintain the V posture
- Bounce back and forth between the two postures for about 1 minute
3. Cat-Camel Stretchr
This is a gentle morning exercise at home that stretches and strengthens the muscles which stabilize the spine and abdominals.
Stretch your body and light up your mornings.
How to do:-
- Kneel down on all four
- Round your back, like a camel as though your head will touch your pelvis
- This is the camel position
- Now arch your lower back and lower and lift your head
- This becomes the cat position
- Repeat these movements slowly and smoothly for 4 to 5 times
4. Jumping Jacks
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How to do:-
- Stand straight with feet together
- Jump up while spreading your arms and legs
- Return back to the initial position and repeat for at least 1 or 1 and a half minutes
5. Inchworm Stretch
Before you drain out sweating warm up your body and mind with these inchworm moves. Inchworm stretch will activate your core muscles, and stretch your back and hamstrings.
How to do:-
- Stand straight with arms by your sides
- Inhale and raise your arms overhead, lifting your chest up
- Exhale and slowly move down to the floor to press your hands flat on the floor
- Bend your knees until your palms are on the floor
- Lower your torso into a full plank position.
- Bring the shoulders overhand, shifting the weight forward
- Release your hips gently and arch your lower back, lifting up head and chest to the ceiling
- Exhale and lift yourself up to the plank position. Hold for 1 count
- Now walk your hands back to the initial position and repeat
6. Double Leg Lift
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This exercise is an effective ab exercise, working for both upper and lower abs. It is an ideal core strength builder when performed correctly. Though it is challenging, it can be an excellent morning workout routine for beginners.
How to do:-
- Lie face up on a mat or floor
- Extend the legs up to the ceiling, till your body forms a 90-degree angle
- Keep your arms by sides
- By engaging your core, gently lower the legs down to the mat
7. Squats
Squats are always feasible, home or gym. Squats are the best morning exercise for weight loss. Along with that, it strengthens the legs, hips, and knees all at once.
How to do:-
- With your feet slightly more than shoulder width apart, raise your arms in front of you
- Sink into a squat position, by bending your knees and pushing the butts out.
- Push yourself up with your heels back to the initial position and repeat
8. Calf Raises
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An effective morning exercise to make sure that your calf muscles are strong so that you can tirelessly walk around the whole day.
How to do:-
- Stand on a raised surface
- Place the balls of your feet on the step and let the heels hang off
- Raise your heels and pull your abs in
- The heels should be higher than the balls
- Hold for a count and repeat for at least 1-2 minutes
9. Crunches
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How to do:-
- Lie flat on your back on a floor or mat
- Bend your knees, keeping your feet flat on the floor, hip-width apart
- Place your arms behind your head, and lift your shoulder blades off the mat gently
- Lower yourself back with slow and steady motion
10. Jump Rope
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It is an extremely effective form of cardio respiratory exercise. If done regularly, it strengthens your calf muscles and helps in improving the elasticity of the surrounding tendons and fascia. This reduces the risk of lower-leg injuries.
How to do:-
- Stand straight with your feet shoulder width apart
- Hold the jumping rope with both your hands on sides
- Now initiate the jump by swinging the skipping rope overhead and back to the initial position
- Repeat for at least 1 minute at the initial stage and gradually increase it once you get comfortable with it
11. Burpees
Wake up your cores, glutes chest and triceps with this active morning exercise.
How to do:-
- Stand straight with closed feet
- Now squat down and keep your hands on the floor
- Firmly planting your hands on the floor, jump your feet back and land with straight legs
- Now lower yourself down to a push-up position until the chest touches the floor
- Keeping your hands on the floor, pop your feet back into a squat using hips
- Explode into a jump and land on your feet softy
- Now repeat the workout for around 1 minute
12. Knee Tucks
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Jump up high and tone up your calves, hips, and core. Begin your morning with a super active workout.
How to do:-
- Stand with feet hip width apart
- Jump, tucking your knees towards the body
- Endure your knees are higher as possible
- Land smoothly and repeat
13. Alternative Forward Lunges
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These lunges are the best morning exercises for your lower body and your heart. It activates almost all your leg muscles and trains your body on fire.
How to do:-
- Stand straight with feet hip-width apart
- Take a step forward by bending your knees and lower your body towards the floor
- Both knees should be bent at 90 degrees, one forward and the other backward
- Back off the front leg with a push or a jump and alternate sides.
- Repeat for 10 reps on each side
14. Yoga
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Yoga is the art of mastering your mind and controlling your body. Practicing yoga while the rising sun is up, early in the morning boosts up your metabolism and ease out your stress hormones. It releases your happy hormones, keeping you fresh and alive all day long. It also enhances your concentration power and endurance which might save your worst days.
Start with a sun salutation pose and then go on with few like a downward facing dog, trikonasana, boat pose, etc.
15. Mountain Climbers
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Roll out from your cozy bedsheet and push your knees to chest to tone up your shoulders, chest muscles and triceps at home.
How to do:-
- Lie down in a push-up position, with hands on the floor under your shoulders and toes curled in.
- From head to heels strain every bit of your body muscles, to keep your body straight
- Pull in your left knee towards your chest and keep the right leg straight out
- Alternate with the ides and repeat doing on each side for 1-2 minutes
16. Balancing Table Pose
17. Lateral Lunge With Knee Drive
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Lateral lunge with knee drive works your gluteus medius (the muscle on the side of your butt), abdominal muscles, and quads.
Kick start your lazy morning with the mix of a lunge and a knee drive together.
How to do:-
- Stand tall with your feet together and arms by your side
- Bring your palms together in front of your chest
- Now lunge towards one side, say left, with a big step and bending left knee
- The right leg should be straight
- Now press the weight onto the left foot and shift the side to the right.
- Return to the standing position and then repeat
18. Walking
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Walking is a refreshing and sweating morning exercise that anyone can practice at home. A 30 to 40 minute brisk and continues walk can burn a whole lot of calories from your body. Enjoy nature and walk through the ethereal beauty of it. If not, you can jog around your park or even in the garden in your home.
19. Planks
vhelthyrout.blogspot.com Brush out your excuses of having lower back pain and not doing exercises. Planks are super effective morning workouts that everyone even with back pain can adhere to.
20. Zumba
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